Additional Publishing Options

In addition to the freely available electronic version available in the IR@UF, authors have additional publishing options for their thesis or dissertation. The Libraries do not endorse any binding service or publishing platform and strongly recommend that you research to identify the service that best meets your needs. We are happy to discuss your needs and, to the best of our ability, help you with your choice(s). If you have any questions, please contact the Mediated Submissions team at


In 2018, the Smathers Libraries and BiblioLabs began a program to offer retail print-on-demand options to authors of digital theses and dissertations, at no cost to the author. Authors retained the copyright to their work. As of Spring 2021, the Libraries and BiblioLabs are reviewing their partnership. This page will be updated with information as it becomes available.

Printing, Binding, and Online Self-Publishing Options

Printing and binding as well as publishing for sale services are available from many providers, including:

  • Draft2Digital requires a percentage of royalties instead of a setup fee, and supports broad digital distribution, with beta print distribution through Ingram. For more information, see the FAQ.
  • GradWorks Online is a service that initially started at Brigham Young University (BYU). It is now open to anyone interested in printing a copy of their thesis or dissertation. Authors can choose from full-color or black-and-white printing options, and there are limited options for customizing the front cover. Pricing varies; contact GradWorks for a quote.
  • IngramSpark: requires a setup fee for print/ebook and then supports broad digital and print distribution. For more information, see the FAQ and file creation guide.
  • Kindle Direct Publishing has various options and processes, with information for different workflows.
  • Lulu offers various formats and options, with more information for creating by type.
  • The Book Manufacturers’ Institute is an industry group that maintains a list of binders that are members of the organization.
  • Thesis on Demand is a service offered by the HF Group, who provide commercial binding for libraries as well as individualized service. Thesis on Demand enables you to print copies of your thesis or dissertation for personal use. They offer options for printing, paper, and leather or cloth cover choices. Thesis on Demand features a quick calculator to estimate cost.


ProQuest Traditional Publishing

The ProQuest® Traditional Publishing option makes your dissertation available for sale through ProQuest’s Dissertations Express service and lists it in ProQuest’s Dissertations and Theses subscription database (UF does not send master’s theses to ProQuest). There is no cost to the author for participation. Authors receive 10% royalties on the net revenue of sales of their work, and royalties are paid when accrued earned royalties reach $25. Authors retain the copyright to their work. For more information, please review the full Traditional Publishing Agreement.

NOTE: If you have chosen a restriction period for your dissertation, ProQuest will not produce bound copies until your restriction at UF (and at ProQuest if you chose one there) expires. They will charge your credit card immediately after you place an order. If, for example, you chose a Secret for 2 Years restriction and placed an order for a bound copy while completing your ProQuest submission form, they will charge you immediately but it will be over two years until you receive that book.