Finding Other Theses and Dissertations

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (All records)
“ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global is the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997. It contains a significant amount of new international dissertations and theses both in citations and in full text.”

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
Browse or search through several ETD collections, typically across multiple institutions at once, or take advantage of the NDLTD Global ETD Search.

WorldCat dissertations and theses
Provides access to over 5 million records of dissertations and theses available in OCLC member libraries catalogs in the WorldCat database.

Center for Research Libraries foreign dissertations
More than 750,000 dissertations produced for universities outside of the United States and Canada. UF researchers have free use of the CRL collections through interlibrary loan.

Theses Canada Portal
Launched in 1965 at the request of the deans of Canadian graduate schools, this portal is a collaborative program between Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and nearly 70 universities accredited by Universities Canada.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses – UK & Ireland
A comprehensive listing of theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716. Also known as the Index to Theses

EThOS – British Library eThesis Online Service (Unavailable since the October 2023 cyberattack on the British Library)
EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service which aims to maximize the visibility and availability of the UK’s doctoral research theses. There are approximately 400,000 records relating to theses awarded by over 120 institutions. Around 160,000 of these also provide access to the full text thesis, either via download from the EThOS database or via links to the institution’s own repository.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations
Metadata and links to open access graduate theses and dissertations from over 1,100 colleges, universities and research institutions.

Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
Access to research literature pre- and post-peer-review through author self-archiving in institutional eprint archives.

Contact the author
If you are looking for a specific thesis or dissertation, and you cannot find it using any resources above, you can attempt to contact the author or the issuing institution/department.