Electronic Theses & Dissertations
An Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) is a document that reports the research of a graduate student. The Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida preserve and provide access to the dissertations and theses produced in support of graduate degree programs at UF. If you have questions about your thesis or dissertation before you have completed your degree, please contact the Graduate School.
UF’s electronic theses and dissertations reside in the Institutional Repository at the University of Florida (the IR@UF). For more information on ETDs at UF, please visit the UF Graduate School’s Thesis, Dissertation, and Publication page or Thesis and Dissertation Support at the UF Computing Help Desk.
Copyright ownership of UF Theses and Dissertation is discussed in the University of Florida Intellectual Property Policy.
If you would like to request an extension to your ETD restriction period, please send an email with your name, the title of your ETD, and the year and term that you graduated to ETDextensions@uflib.ufl.edu. Please note that we only offer extensions on restrictions for theses and dissertations already transferred to the Libraries. We do not have any responsibility for your thesis or dissertation until after you complete your degree.
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